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- LeMoyne-Owen College
LeMoyne-Owen College
Est. 1862
Memphis, TN
UNCF Member Institution
Transformation Partner
since 2016
Motto: “Leadership, Opportunity, Change.”
Website: loc.edu
LeMoyne-Owen College has always been a think tank for civil rights. We will always encourage our students to use their voices.

LeMoyne College merged with Owen College to become LeMoyne-Owen College in 1968. LeMoyne-Owen College’s legacy transcends the eras of race riots, yellow fever epidemics, Jim Crow laws and segregation in Memphis. It has stood the test of time and inspired countless students to change their lives. LeMoyne-Owen College is the only historically black college in Memphis, Tennessee.
Through its transformation efforts, LeMoyne-Owen College has tried to redesign its general education requirements, including allowing general education students to explore areas of study in chemistry, physics, biology, ecology and environmental science, providing a breadth of introductory knowledge in natural science areas.
Additionally, the college introduced adaptive learning technology into the remedial and freshman-level algebra courses using Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS).
The institution has continued to enhance dual enrollment and summer institute offerings by reviewing the current advising process. A mapping process for enrollment, registration and advising is also in progress, with aspirations to implement an appointment scheduling platform for academic advising, tutoring, and coaching.