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- Rust College
Rust College
Est. 1866
Holly Springs, MS
UNCF Member Institution
Transformation Partner
since 2016
Motto: “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
Website: rustcollege.edu
At an HBCU, you have much more of that environment where everything is possible.

Rust College is a historically Black, co-educational, senior liberal arts college founded in 1866 by the Freedman’s Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Rust College offers quality programs in business, education, humanities, science and math, and social science to prepare students for leadership and service in a global society.
Through its transformation work, the college has advanced its co-curricular engagement strategy, starting with the development of focus groups to enhance the success of the mentorship program. In addition, internships have been interwoven into the curriculum in the School of Social Work and Business. This helps the students gain work experience while attending school.
Rust College is in the process of developing three new majors to meet the demand of the Mississippi workforce, including Forensic Science, Supply chain, and Aviation. A peer academic coaching program was established to help freshmen navigate orientation week on campus. Rust College has also made drastic improvements in their IT department, allowing students to use the computer labs and campus space more efficiently.